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an online publication on recent pollen

Anemone narcissiflora

Taxonomy: Angiospermae, Ranunculales, Ranunculaceae, Anemone


Published: 2021-03-08

Pollen Description

Shape, Size and Aperture

pollen unit: monad,  dispersal unit and peculiarities: monad,  size (pollen unit): small (10-25 µm),  size of hydrated pollen (LM): 26-30 µm, 21-25 µm,  shortest polar axis in equatorial view (LM): 21-25 µm,  longest polar axis in equatorial view (LM): 26-30 µm,  shortest diameter in equatorial or polar view (LM): 26-30 µm,  longest diameter in equatorial or polar view (LM): 21-25 µm,  pollen class: colpate,  polarity: isopolar,  P/E-ratio: -,  shape: spheroidal,  outline in polar view: circular,  dominant orientation (LM): oblique,  P/E-ratio (dry pollen): prolate,  shape (dry pollen): -,  outline in polar view (dry pollen): lobate,  infoldings (dry pollen): aperture(s) sunken,  aperture number: 3,  aperture type: colpus,  aperture condition: tricolpate, colpate,  aperture peculiarities: aperture membrane ornamented

Ornamentation and Structure

LMornamentation LM: scabrate, verrucate, gemmate,  nexine: -,  sexine: -,  SEMornamentation SEM: perforate, microechinate,  suprasculpture SEM: -,  TEMtectum: eutectate,  infratectum: columellate,  foot layer: continuous,  endexine: compact-continuous,  intine: monolayered,  wall peculiarities: -,  supratectal element: -


pollen coatings: pollenkitt,  reserves in cytoplasm: lipids, starch,  cell number: 2-celled,  Ubisch bodies: present

Annotations: endexine sporadically interrupted

Author(s) of diagnosis: Auer, Angelika; Auer, Waltraud



1. flower(s)

polar view (proximal)

2. polar view (proximal)

optical section

3. optical section

polar view (distal)

4. polar view (distal)

pollen grain with generative cell (asterisk) and vegetative nucleus

5. pollen grain with generative cell (asterisk) and vegetative nucleus

hydrated pollen

6. hydrated pollen

hydrated pollen

7. hydrated pollen

hydrated pollen

8. hydrated pollen

polar view

9. polar view

equatorial view

10. equatorial view

detail of colpus membrane

11. detail of colpus membrane

exine surface

12. exine surface

polar view (dry pollen grain)

13. polar view (dry pollen grain)

dry pollen grain in equatorial view

14. dry pollen grain in equatorial view

interapertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E)

15. interapertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E)

apertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E)

16. apertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E)

pollen wall (bottom) and tapetum cells with Ubisch bodies (U)

17. pollen wall (bottom) and tapetum cells with Ubisch bodies (U)

Picture legend

  1. flower(s), photographer: Auer, A.
  2. polar view (proximal) - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Auer, A.
  3. optical section - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Auer, A.
  4. polar view (distal) - fresh, acetolyzed, unstained, photographer: Auer, A.
  5. pollen grain with generative cell (asterisk) and vegetative nucleus - fixed, formalin-acetic-alcohol, aceto-carmine, photographer: Auer, A.
  6. hydrated pollen - fresh, glycerine, unstained, photographer: Auer, W.
  7. hydrated pollen - fresh, glycerine, ruthenium red, photographer: Auer, W.
  8. hydrated pollen - fresh, glycerine, ruthenium red, photographer: Auer, W.
  9. polar view - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  10. equatorial view - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  11. detail of colpus membrane - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  12. exine surface - fresh, rehydrated (water) & critical point dried & sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  13. polar view (dry pollen grain) - dry, sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  14. dry pollen grain in equatorial view - dry, sputter coated with gold, photographer: Auer, A.
  15. interapertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E) - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, uranyl acetate & lead citrate, photographer: Auer, A.
  16. apertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E) - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, uranyl acetate & lead citrate, photographer: Auer, A.
  17. pollen wall (bottom) and tapetum cells with Ubisch bodies (U) - fresh, glutaraldehyde & osmium & potassium ferrocyanide, uranyl acetate & lead citrate, photographer: Auer, A.


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Auer A., Auer W. 2021. Anemone narcissiflora. In: PalDat - A palynological database.;jsessionid=FD246B153294D10C9F821FA7C0ECAE5C; accessed 2025-01-10

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